A loving and gentle letting-go ritual over the course of three days will include the parents and help them to come to terms with the transition of their child. The period of three days will also give the departing soul of the child the time needed to return in peace. Saying good-bye to a child while embracing the love and the pain is an ancient approach recommended even today by a growing number of reputable therapists. It prevents endless mourning and grief and allows the parents to move onwards together.
Beloved Child’s Funeral
The loss of a beloved child is maybe the hardest challenge in life for any parent. As the process of grieving and preparation for the good-bye is painful, it also holds the seed of deep healing.
Her Role Down Here Is Done
Her little soul has touched us all,
She didn’t need to stay:
Her spirit touched each one of us
Before it sailed away.
We all know souls arrive on earth
With special roles to fill,
And hers has fully played its part,
Her memory guides us still.
She had a very special soul
She stayed but just a while;
So if, or when you’re feeling sad
Recall her with a smile.
For then you’ll know inside your heart
The reason why she’s gone;
And never feel too empty that
Her role down here is done.
Her spirit touched each one of us,
No other ever could.
Forever will we cherish her
The way we know we should!